You usually start these type of articles out with the old "Love him or hate him,......" and then categorically run through the things that that person has accomplished.
This is not that article.
Scrolling through Instagram (as one does) I came across a short angry interview bit with TriggerPod and Ben Shapiro in which Shapiro makes his case for Ron DeSantis as the only real contender for the Republican ticket. The itemized list kind of reminds you of the old forgotten Ben Shapiro. The mean spirited adolescent thrust upon us as the fresh new face of the coming conservative (actually Neo-consesrvative or UniParty) rebirth.
Checking his earlier work, we can see that he was never and is still not on Bff status with the 45th President of the United States.
In the Bizarro World, we have the Young Turks supporting Trump over Desantis??
What we see now, is the mask slipping from the face of yet another political chancer and shrewd political businessman.
This is just the latest in a list of Shapiro-isms among which were the attempted buyout of Stephen Crowder's franchise
and here:
Plus the manipulation of Daily Wire to step into the void that is the Fox News Channel Post-Tucker. We can also throw in the fact that Shapiro and financiers to be named later were responsible for the "wildly successful and lucrative" Governor DeSantis book tour.
No, this doesn't look like a love affair. It looks like the new kids trying their hand at King maker. Probably with background help from Daily Wire super fans like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and the rank and file Mono Party RINOs.
Art imitates life. Shapiro as Douchebag "just trying to get some outrage headlines:
Or as he walks the tightrope when trying to be all things to both Israeli and American:
For all of you junior conspiracy theorists and open source intel types, you should be going back to the founder of the founder of Daily Wire and do some rooting about. #sleeper ?
So it makes one wonder if the "Lady doth protest too much" what is Shapiro and company's true goals in politics? They have shown to be truly impartial and should therefor be treated in exactly the same way that CNN and the rest of mainstream media is, but somehow they are ducking and diving.
Let's see if somehow they can be brought to the reckoning table before they can do any further damage to the US election process.
My two cents: