Although the incidents were apples and , conspiracy theorists are having a Clickfest field day by comparing the two events as virtually one in the same.
The one similarity was that this NY ship was also a "Flag of Convenience" vessel.
This Chinese named and Malta flagged ship running for APL is going on 12 years old tells a story that is as old as the sea.

Profit above anything else.

Now why didn't the US Coast Guard or some other organization know that this ticking time bomb was just moments away from destroying that bridge in NY?
Here are some of the applicable laws for foreign flagged vessels in US ports (that are not posing an existing risk to public safety.
USDoT: https://www.transportation.gov/testimony/foreign-vessel-operations-us-exclusive-economic-zone
From DoT report above: "I want to emphasize that the Administration is committed to making certain that every asset possible is available to address this catastrophe. As this Committee knows well, the Jones Act requires that all cargoes transported between U.S. points must move aboard vessels that are U.S.-flag, U.S.-built, U.S.-owned and crewed by U.S. mariners."
The above document was generated in hearings surrounding the Deepwater Horizon incident.
International Maritime Organization: https://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Security/Pages/FAQ.aspx
THE JONES ACT. What it is:
Elaine Chao/McConnell, "Sleeper Cell" https://gcaptain.com/u-s-transportation-nominee-chao-cruises-confirmation-hearing-jones-act-will-obeyed/