One of the Cardinal Sins of our nation's political parties is the fact that they tend to uniform the voters when it comes to issues of economics. What are these key buzzwords we keep hearing? Deficit spending? Debt Ceiling? and what do they mean to our lives?
Well, the South Florida Conservative is happy to welcome a new periodic writer to the fold,
let's hear it for Mr. Lenny Dendunnen!!
Lenny started out as a professor at Tufts University then went on to trade derivatives on Wall Street for decades. He is now a consultant, Substack writer @Guillotineadvisors) , tutor and soon to be Podcaster.
(If you have questions or comments, contact Lenny at: Lenny@Guillotineadvisors.com)
The Debt Ceiling Deal?
****Lenny explains the Debt Ceiling******
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