What the pretenders to the Throne have said:
(Video Correction!! President Trump is due to go to Miami Court on Tuesday not Thursday)
A young person's guide to the Espionage Act:
Others charged under the Act:
People still being charged under Espionage Act
Two former lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) were charged with violating the Espionage Act of 1917 in August 2005. The charges were ultimately dropped in 2009.
In more recent years, former CIA analyst Edward Snowden was charged with violating the Epionage Actafter he leaked classified documents related to the National Security Agency's widespread surveillance program in 2013, beginning with The Guardian. Many news outlets published the information from the documents, including the New York Times, Washington Post and NBC News. Snowden sought asylum in Russia, but could be prosecuted under the charges if he returned to the United States.
In May 2019, a federal grand jury in Virginia issued an indictment against Wikileaks founder Julian Assangethat included 17 counts of violation of the Espionage Act for receiving and publishing classified documents. Three of the counts are based exclusively on the act of publishing, which some have said could have implications for mainstream U.S. media publications who also sometimes publish classified material.
Some have called on repeal or changes to the Espionage Act. In 2022, for example, a new wave of criticismemerged after federal agents searched former president Donald Trump's residence in Florida for top secret government documents that may have been taken when he left office. The search warrant referred to the Espionage Act as a possible law that had been broken.