In 2020, political newcomer CHRIS EDDY was elected to a Commissioner position in Weston City. Not only did he represent a fresh face in the local political scene, but, he had the mandate of the people, bringing in the highest amount of votes in Weston history!*
Commissioner Eddy now hopes to take that local momentum and turn it into a successful run against scandal magnet and long time politico, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in Florida's 25th Congressional District.
Here's what you need to know about Chris (from his website)
Check his credentials and his platform and compare it with the continuing support of cronyism that has come to be emblematic with those associated with the Clintons or their "Clinton Foundation".
...and remember folks, it's TIME, TALENT or TREASURE!
Knocking Debbie out of Congress will send a loud message to Washington DC. and it is vital they we remove as many of these socialists from elected office as possible.
SALAD DAYS! Back when the Debster put the kibosh on Bernie Sanders for Prez. to help out bestie Hilly C!