Man o Manashewitz!!! The first red flag was that this guy went on TV with Andrea Mitchell and then allowed her to misrepresent Trump's statements on hatred.
So here's the tape of a prototype political chancer.
The monolithic one party system plays for keeps and this human barometer is being nice enough to tell you what the weather is going to be.
But there is a bit more to this "disillusioned" Republican, so let's pick at that scab and see what bubbles up.
Additional information:
Members of the Congressional Freedom Caucus.
The USA Today article (the first video covers the same info)
Colorado Indy. "Ken Buck's Latest Scandal" TOne deaf to the needs of populace during Covid, etc.
Coloradopols.com. (covering his Prosecutor scandal . Covering his Prosecutor Scandal.
Ken Buck, Millionaire. (For hating stocks.....)
