Have you all heard the old saying "Never bring a knife to a gunfight" ? This is the website that is the exception to the rule.
The Preppers Bunker Outdoors is a You Tube channel that shows you that there is still integrity and straight talk in the Post Black Rifle, Rock and Roll contractor netscape.
The home of veteran Jacob Beach and Beachin Tactical, his line of rifle slings and Exodus Knife and tool, his knives, PBO (my abbreviation) has been an advocate for knife rights, Libertarian values and all things survival. He has also been a bit of a lightning rod in exposing the corrupt practices of Black Rifle Coffee Company (i.e. their stock manipulations, inappropriate behavior in the office)
and the outing of the owner of Black Scout Survival (shoddy equipment, fleecing customers?)

So, if you are looking for some solid reviews on survival equipment and some No Holds Barred interviews, check out Preppers Bunker Outdoors