When you see something that doesn't track, you have to look into it and call it out.
Case in point, the "Charity" HIAS (Hebrew immigrant Aid Society).
HIAS seems to have exceeded their mandate and we now find out (through the exposure of investigative journalist Michael Yon) that they are involved in the mass facilitation of illegal migrants into these United States. Among them have been a good number of Islamic terrorists.

One would guess that this should not be a surprise as HIAS has been a wolf in sheep's clothing going back to the Clinton Administration. (Anyone wishing to dive into that murky pool feel free) the evolution from an organization to help Jews escape persecution from various European groups to a group that helps to mount an attack against the USA can be illustrated in it's latest and greatest achievement
Congratulations Alejandro Mayorkas (former Head of HIAS) to his job as Homeland Security Secty.
"Charities" like this one should be under investigation in the US and the correct punishments should be assigned. Very hard to do during an occupation, but, perhaps if we can get a free election, things will change
BREAKING: "Following my recent video expose of
going VIRAL and getting millions of views, HIAS, the Jewish NGO I caught giving maps and instructions to illegal alien invaders in the Bajo Chiquito migrant camp in Darien Gap Panama, has LOCKED THEIR ACCOUNT AND MADE THEIR POSTS PRIVATE! I am going to expose their donors and all of their enablers. HIAS is going to be a household name by the time I am done exposing their organization and using my large network of Jewish political and philanthropic connections to expose them as facilitators of the invasion of America. I’m not going to let this Jewish NGO destroy my country under the guise of Judaism. They must be shut down and exposed for the criminals they are. As a Jew, I disavow HIAS and all of their activities."
If you are donating to this crew, STOP. If your friends are TELL THEM ABOUT THE ISSUES
Send an email to your Congressman and Senator.
It's your country.