Movsum Samadov, convicted terrorist from Azerbaijan, could have gone quietly on his way.. He had just successfully crossed into the USA through or non-existent border and was part of a group of illegals that was interviewed as to locale of origin.
Fortunately for us, Mr. Samadov has a bit of an ego and likes to shit talk the dumb Americans.
It turns out that someone was watching. They put a face to a name and came up with Movsum Samadov, Leader of the Azerbaijani Islamic Party (outlawed in Azerbaijan) an Islamist organization allied with Hezbollah and funded by Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.
*He even has his own page on Wikipedia!
Here's the political/terror party that he is still credited with running, the Azerbaijan Islamic Party.
So here is our request, please do your best as a Citizen of the USA (if you are one) and help us make Mr. Samadov and his friends "famous"
If you can't wait for our flyer, here are a few pictures of Samadov. You have his other information in the above links.
Another source that has Samadov's number:
Place the local State Police (anti terror unit if they have one) contact in your contact line and/or that of your newspage. You do want to try and get a paper trail on this guy. When he pops off, we cannot fall for that "lone gunmen" nonsense.
MOVSUM SAMADOV, running his mouth at the US border. Photo is a couple of days old. (Today 1/28/24)
