Do you know the feeling when you keep trying to explain to civilians what the words "Law" "Due process" "Justice" and others mean to the the post coup US government.
Nothing better illustrates this than the millions of hours of investigative hearings that we have had into any and all things Biden, China and most obvious Border.
Why is there never an "AND" moment. Example, "we find overwhelming evidence that X did Y in total contravention to the Constitution of the United States" AND "therefor we levy this fine/punishment/admonishment/asskicking on him/her". but the "AND" never comes.
Nor will it until the United States has a free and fair election. Or something that resembles one.
This isn't the only place where the US government has fallen short.
You are sure to remember the Adam Schiff censorship (mea culpa)
and the now glaring 20-50 US hostages held by Hamas in and around Gaza
Just as hard to take was the recent rebuff of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green and her snap decision to try and impeach Homeland Secty. Mayorkas.
Let's tie them all up in one big Shit sandwich