"For kingship it is . . . tyranny, for aristocracy it is oligarchy, and for democracy it is government by brute force!" Roman quote on democracy
Jan 14, 2025
In just a few days, the United States will be installing the 47th President, Donald J. Trump, to the position of President i.e. Chief Executive of the federal government.
The opposition/occupation party has made it clear that it will continue to do any and all things (regardless of damage to the people and the union of the United States) to make sure that Trump does not have an effective 4 years.
In response, the news are happy to tell the people that the President has drawn up over 100 executive orders that will launch on Day 1 of his presidency.
"President-elect Donald Trump is preparing more than 100 executive orders starting Day One of the new White House, in what amounts to a shock-and-awe campaign on border security, deportations and a rush of other policy priorities." Associated Press 1/13/2025
Thus begins the name calling and additional shouts of Hissler and Reichian machinations. Trump is an autocrat, he's mean to dogs, he........... this list will go on and on and once again you will that the opposition party will fight tooth and nail to stop this "monster" not due to the fact that this "misuse" of Executive power is happening, but rather that it is being used to cutback the historic overreach that has been engineered to change the United States government from a 3 power based system to one. That one being a totalitarian ruler.
Fresh off of the most shocking election win in US history, President Biden spent his first day(s) revoking any/all things Trump for the American policy system.
" Over his first 100 days, "Biden signed 42 executive orders, more than any of his predecessors since Harry S. Truman". Wikipedia
His continued use of the Executive Order system to push unfavorable and ,at times, possibly criminal policy, without the use of the Democrat partisan Congress, was a foreshadowing of the direction into which the opposition party has/had been pushing the government of the United States. But, while discussed more as the United States started to rely on alternate media outlets and increased skepticism of political parties' motives shined a light firmly on the actions of Biden's administration, Presdient Obama was no less of a proponent on the "order" and used it will savagry in curtail the rights of free speech and personal privacy while he held court for 8 years. (my favorite example was Obama care. A horrible policy that President Obama could have moved, legitimately, through the Congress and yet..)
Once instituted, there was additional overreach added to the program. Not all of which were appealing to the citizens voting for a number of the politician's who helped make the Obamacare system happen. Example: (Executive Order 13535-- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's Consistency with Longstanding Restrictions on the Use of Federal Funds for Abortion)
In fact, some would say that the fight for Obamacare expended so much political capital that Obama was in a negative position throughout the rest of his term in office.
and then followed up by the Biden regime:
On January 28, 2021, I signed Executive Order 14009 (Strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act), establishing that it is the policy of my Administration to protect and strengthen Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and to make high-quality healthcare accessible and affordable for every American. White House.org
Many more examples can be found going back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt
and on "both sides" of the aisle (if one were to acknowledge that an aisle actually seperated some of these politicians idealogies) but one of the clear missions of the opposition party has been that push towards autocracy.
More specifically, that of making the office of President the most powerful figure head on the globe.
A "Forever Caesar"
There may indeed be any number of reasons that you will see this overstrengthening of the Executive position in US government. Unfortunately, I think that the lead driver for it would be to help those in the opposition tha wish to supply the "americans" with a worker's paradise bring it to fruitition. Most all past governmental bodies that pushed for a socialist government had a party mechanism of "the faithful" and a "Head of State" of various effectiveness.
The Head being less important that the body as the ruling party members needed this character to stay fully in the spotlight while they were off with their depredations.
Much of this we already see in characters like Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi. Average persons who have,, since their tenure in the Legislature, built fortunes above and beyond what could be accomplished in the private sector. The US public has been so twisted around, we now make a bit of a game of tracking these people's stock purchases on various internet pages and just hope that we can make a few dollars out of it.
So let us follow this theory out. It may sound a little conspiratorial, but no more than the "realness" one gets from the various media fiascos that have happened over the last few years.
The long term solidifcation of the federal government under a one party state needs to rely more and more on continuing resolutions to keep up the usual grift flow so as to have NO legislator exposed under the "spotlight of public scrutiny" and instead relys on the Office of the President for two things.
1. Push forward the actual agenda which is to strip the other two branches ( legislature and judiicary) of their power and put control ever more firmly into the hands of the executive and permanent bureaucrats (permanent in that they are unelected and can continue to serve for decades).
2. to be the lightning rod if/when things do not go as planned on the national/international policy front.
For this, the President will be financially and politically reimbursed. (ex. look at the money that the Obamas managed to amass within the first year of his leaving office)
"Now worth around $70 million, PLUS real estate in Hawaii and Georgetown, etc.
Obama earned a salary of $80,287 from the Illinois Senate and $32,144 from the University of Chicago Law School, where he lectured. Obama also had investmentsin three different assets — including the Vanguard Wellington Fund — evaluated between $100,000 and $200,000." paraphrase from AOL
..and don't forget the Nobel Peace prize that he received on entering ofice which allowed him to bomb Yemen and kill US citizens abroad with impunity.
The Executive of the socialist future must be able to pivot between an autocrat and a "beard" for a non functional legislative body more interested in trading citizen's freedoms and a country's wealth for financial and political gain.
Much shorter and with less machinations would be the actual role that Donald Trump finds himself in. Having been whitewashed as an oncoming dictator, the media dn opposition cream for "the people" to come together and thwart all that this "monster" intends to do to crush our great republic.
This in one breath while promising no compromise in the legislature. In the same arena, the Republican party (for what it's worth) is barely able to keep it's head above the political waves.
Nowhere does one read that the President has taken the lead form the republican congress and is marching forward to enforce the various laws that they have set forth and voted into reality. While Trump may have the people's mandate, he is stcuk trying to square peg/round hole this monolithic governement institution.
In this situation, he intends to move forward with these 100 executive orders so as to be able to tear down the socialist "creep" on the United States government's departments (ex. Homeland Security, the military , etc.) it is an end run around an illegitimately acting group of lawmakers any number of which will not be standing for another election.
The loser, either way, will be the citizens of the United States. For not only will their interests be marginalized but the ability of future lawmakers who may decide to do the right thing will continue to be eroded EVEN IF it is purely an issue of the patient not being able to survive the cure.
For an example, below is a summary of a paper published by Cato Institute. (NOTE: this for your purview. I am not allied with the Institute nor against it)
The Impact of Executive Orders on the Legislative Process: Executive Lawmaking?
This testimony by William J. Olson, presented before a subcommittee on October 27, 1999, addresses the issue of presidential lawmaking through executive orders, emphasizing its constitutional implications and historical context. Key points include:
Overview of the Issue:
Olson critiques the increasing use of executive orders and other presidential directives to bypass Congress, which he argues undermines the constitutional separation of powers.
He traces this trend back to the early days of the Republic, citing examples where presidents have overstepped their constitutional bounds.
Historical and Legal Context:
Olson references James Madison and Montesquieu’s warnings against blending legislative and executive powers.
Historical examples include instances from Jefferson’s embargo to Lincoln’s wartime actions, showing a pattern of executive overreach.
He notes that courts and Congress have historically failed to provide robust checks on presidential overreach.
Judicial and Legislative Responses:
Courts have struck down only two executive orders in U.S. history: President Truman’s steel mill seizure (1952) and President Clinton’s labor-related order.
Congress has enacted measures like the National Emergencies Act and War Powers Resolution to curtail executive overreach, but these have largely been ineffective.
Current Legislative Proposals:
Olson critiques Rep. Metcalf’s H. Con. Res. 30 as symbolic and ineffective.
He supports H.R. 2655, which proposes:
Defining “presidential directives” legally.
Expanding judicial review of executive orders.
Requiring explicit statutory authority for such orders.
Limiting the president's power to declare national emergencies and repealing the War Powers Resolution.
Bipartisan Concern:
Olson stresses that concerns about presidential overreach transcend partisanship, citing abuses by presidents of both major parties.
Call to Action:
He urges Congress to revisit and expand efforts to check presidential lawmaking, emphasizing the constitutional duty to safeguard the separation of powers.
Olson concludes by highlighting the importance of addressing these issues to uphold constitutional governance, warning that unchecked executive power poses a threat to democracy.
The most obvious, but most labor intensive thing to do is to make Congress be the Congress that America's Founders thought it should be. To that, here are a few possible but probably not popular things that we can do as citizens
1. Enact Legislation to Define and Limit Executive Orders
Pass binding legislation, like H.R. 2655, to:
Clearly define "presidential directives" and their permissible scope.
Require explicit statutory authority for executive orders.
Establish robust judicial review mechanisms to challenge unconstitutional orders.
Terminate the powers derived from existing national emergencies and limit future declarations to Congressional approval.
2. Strengthen Congressional Oversight
Reinvigorate Congressional committees dedicated to monitoring and investigating executive actions, such as a revived version of the Special Senate Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency.
Regularly review executive orders to ensure compliance with constitutional and statutory limits.
Utilize the power of the purse to deny funding for initiatives enacted via executive orders that bypass Congressional approval.
3. Restore Balance in Emergency Powers
Amend or replace the National Emergencies Act to require Congressional approval within a set timeframe for any declared emergency to remain in effect.
Clearly delineate the scope of emergency powers to prevent their abuse.
4. Encourage Judicial Accountability
Advocate for judicial reforms to lower the barriers for standing, enabling courts to hear more cases challenging presidential overreach.
Promote judicial independence to ensure courts act decisively when constitutional boundaries are violated.
5. Revive the War Powers Resolution
Replace the ineffective War Powers Resolution with stronger, enforceable provisions that mandate Congressional approval for military actions beyond a specified duration.
Penalize executive non-compliance with clear consequences, such as funding restrictions.
6. Enhance Public Awareness and Bipartisan Support
Educate the public about the dangers of unchecked executive power and the importance of Congressional oversight.
Foster bipartisan consensus to address executive overreach as a constitutional issue, not a partisan one.
7. Amend the Constitution if Necessary
If legislative and judicial measures prove insufficient, consider a constitutional amendment to clarify the separation of powers and further limit the president’s ability to legislate through executive orders.
By implementing these steps, Congress can reassert its legislative authority, uphold the constitutional separation of powers, and ensure that policymaking remains a democratic and deliberative process. These actions would also reduce the risk of executive overreach, regardless of the political party in power.