Today in the world. The Biden administration brings the United States one step closer to war with Russia.
The REPO Act (see below)
Allows for Congress to take seized assets of Russia and now convert them to cash andsend this cash directly to the Ukraine as payment reconstruction projects resulting from the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
This is incredibly ballsy for us to do as a non combatant nation, but should not surprise any of us that are fans of the old Republic of the United States (which is ceasing to exist ifo our eyes)

Plus, to keep you thinning about other than this issue, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is positing his usual misdirection to the elderly and impoverished so that thye keep thier heads down and don't mention the 3rd worlding of their communities.
Some video edification?
Mr. Jeffries as Boogeyman Mr. Jeffries, Democrat Boogeyman: https://www.newsweek.com/supreme-court-ruling-reveals-social-security-threat-hakeem-jeffries-1897565#:~:text=Supreme%20Court%20Ruling%20Reveals%20Social%20Security%20Threat%3A%20Hakeem%20Jeffries,-Published%20May%2006&text=The%20Supreme%20Court's%20June,House%20Minority%20Leader%20Hakeem%20Jeffries.
Another great source of information, LAWFARE, check it out.
Biden and the REPO Act: https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-should-the-biden-administration-do-with-repo