Why is uber Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis having his south Florida moneymen continue to raise money for Democrat and anti-Conservative Broward Sheriff Toney?

You would think that we would be able to get a Republican on the ticket or across the goal line with both the state's most famous Governor and some of his biggest campaign people on the job, but obviously, there is something going on behind the scenes that calls for a Uni Party candidate/co-operation.
But, you never know when you need a man versed on law avoidance in a position of police power.
If anyone wants to contact the old heads at Philly homicide, you may get a different story as to the shooting. Just saying.
Why would you want to have a woke, CRT adhering, manpower lowering administrator in charge of one of the largest police forces in the state? Are we trying to set up for old timey Northeast corridor BLM and Antifa riots? Is there some case that doesn't need addressing?
Or was it some holdover for support for the doomed Presidential election?
Whatever the matter, I am sure it will become clear once the Gov gets his man back in the office in Broward. The rest of you counties better watch out for yourselves!
Check out this scorecard! 29%!!!