It's always cliche to mention that the first casualty of War is the Truth....but, that phrase still finds its way into these type of articles.
Below is the "slightly" tilted article announcing the death of US and Chilean Citizen, Gonzalo Lira. Lira was being held in a Ukrainian detention camp.
His crimes appear to be that he showed the Russian advances in the Ukraine in a "positive" "Pro Russian" light instead of the rose colored glasses of the Ukraine/Biden administration
The one time film maker was arrested once and then, seems to have been denied an exit visa from Ukraine. His last message was that he was trying to get across the border into neighboring country.
He never made it.

Caught by Ukrainian special police he was placed in a detention camp where he subsequently died.
No one from US State Department tried to intercede on his behalf.
This brings about another of the strange cases of targeting journalists
Lira in his own words. Talking beating and extortion in prison, trying to flee Ukraine.