I thought we all agreed to "No Drinking during Meetings?"
Not since Preston "Bully" Brooks caned Daniel Webster on the Senate floor have we seen anything close to the hijinks of the 100 rounds off McCarthy voting.
Besides the wide range of names cast for House Speaker, it looks like it almost came to blows between Congressional spoilsport Matt Gaetz and "some guy in an orange tie"

The "guy in the orange tie" turned out to be Congressman Mike Rogers. A member of the powerful committee that assigned House committees. Seems that Congressman Mike has a problem with conservative congressman and now his beef has cost him that super perk job
Allowing Gaetz to chalk up the proverbial "two birds with one stone" as he definitely has McCarthy on his backfoot and now the enforcer of the Republican Congress is out of a job.
Bravo. Now let's get back to sorting out the FBI.