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Frank's Speech with Iron Age News

Hello everybody, this is Frank with Iron Age News. It's Tuesday, July 23rd around 6 pm on the Eastern Seaboard. Sorry, so late.

There's been any number of issues that are hard and fast hitting the American news person and we'll have to start covering them more and more as we go along. Everyone's sticking with the issues around the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump and what it's really meant to the political cycle, which is a lot more than people realize. And before we go any further, obviously, kudos to the Israelis for lighting up a certain little angry group of tribesmen in Yemen.

It was a long time coming, obviously, since the Americans have had no command and control in the armed forces, especially in the last couple of years. It's progressed to the point that we have to have a smaller ally do the job for us on behalf of the rest of the Western world. But enough of that.

I'm sure you've been all watching the immediate kangaroo court, mea culpa, blah, blah, blah. We have now did not lose, but we're able to force the head of Secret Service out of her office. She will land somewhere very lucrative. Don't worry, kids, she'll be fine. The organization itself is totally tarnished. Once again, shout out to the Butler, Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania State Police for not buckling under the shit storm, trying to blame them for everything.

And if you notice, now you're seeing more and more that they're out there at the park and they're like, we're not going to have this misinformation. There's the roof, here's where we were. Those people could see right into that room, blah, blah, blah.

The only thing that I've gotten out of this, and you see a lot of these things, and I swore we weren't going to get involved in this, or I wasn't going to get involved, but you're asked to do what you have to do. Even somebody as an august sage as Dan Bongino, who also muddying the waters, just the clickbaitedness, and they'll say, well, you're doing it too. Yeah, well, we're talking about other clickbaiting things that are going on.

We've done a couple of videos already to that effect, the thing about the song. You don't want people to get too twisted in their head. The problem has been, the United States experienced a coup during the 2020 election cycle.

It almost was completely successful. I'd say it was three quarters successful, but there was enough left of the remnants of the United States to hold on. Now, obviously, with them not being able to do what they wanted to with the president, intimidation, things like that, an attempt was made on his life, a very credible attempt.

This was not amateur hour, kids. Whatever you're going to say, this was not amateur hour. The only thing I've ever asked anybody so far, and I don't get into the bulletin boards, when people sit there, we're sitting in a meeting or whatever, and they're like, oh, this, this, and this, and the range finder.

Bongino is big on this thing about a range finder, and he is a secret service guy. That's the most ridiculous thing, because the only thing that you really want to know is how this guy got a rifle into the fairgrounds. Nobody has it.

There have been so many people that seem to have been interfered with, who are doing videos on the subject. Those people out there that we've called out, like Cypher and things like that, where they're obviously still employed by central intelligence and other intelligence organizations, but they're, quote, unquote, independent. Well, the stories are all pretty much the same over there.

That doesn't make me sad, because I knew that they weren't going to be fair and they weren't going to be honest, because imagine you and your friend quit working for a multi-billion dollar company. You work in the mailroom. You quit, and you're telling people, I'm opening my own mailroom.

I'm going to do this. We're totally independent. You have the president of the multi-billion dollar company come to the opening of your show.

That's what usually happens with a lot of these groups. It's sad, but they're forming these type of self-proving concept issues, which is what the news media has done, which is they'll lie about something. The next guy quotes it.

The third guy quotes the second guy, quoting the first guy, and now the story is real, where the story was never real. The thing that I think the big story here, other than we're never going to know who really tried to assassinate the president, you're not. Like I said, when I heard the thing where they slipped at the beginning and said, well, he was in a DNA database or something like that, that was the end.

Don't even try. You're not going to know. Just know that forces above your pay grade tried to assassinate the President.

This is a war. That guy in the Venn diagram has now been pushed back a little bit. The new protocol is no one's allowed near him, which means they're expecting a bomb, explosive of some type, and they can lay that on anybody.

Anybody Arabic would be a good choice. Obviously, the Nazis are always still out in the woodwork. That group that's actually FBI agents that pretends to be Nazis, the ones that nobody's ever seen any of them, and they never go protest anywhere.

They just are always in a fucking Walmart parking lot getting in and out of budget rental cars. It's sad. It's really sad to see this stuff because this is all just various levels of psychology 51 and 101 classes being inflicted upon the American and on the rest of the world to the fact that your mind is not going to be able to sense what's reality and what's not reality anymore.

It isn't true. There are a number of syndromes that can occur. Then after a while, you're saying something like, I feel shortness of breath.

BUTTERFLY EFFECT: In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

Maybe I have a cough and it's a persistent cough, but it doesn't dry and all this. You say to yourself, well, I'm a victim of biological warfare. This is just making this as an example.

I was exposed to biological warfare for four years, pretty much, or three years under COVID. There's possibly some other things that are still affecting me that haven't affected others or have killed others and haven't killed me yet. Maybe I should take a look at it that way.

That's the kind of mindset you've got to try to avoid. They aren't allowed to get you, but they are allowed to get you. You have seen that there are people with a murderous intent, much higher even than the famous people in the late 30s and early 40s.

They will stop at nothing. Obviously, they can be slowed down, but they hate to have their dinner reservations canceled, if you know what I'm saying. We still have a lot to go.

Those of you who are going to vote for Donald Trump better continue along that route. If you see the most immediate thing that has happened with Joe Biden resigning from the run, but not from the office, and the inconsistencies with the resignation letter, not on the letterhead, wrong signature, this, that, and the other thing, obviously, it's staffers. We've known staffers have been running that operation for quite some time.

Insiders will tell you that Barack Obama has been seen any number of times in there, Eric Holder, Rice. The usual suspects have been there. Also, AOC and her squad.

One person messes with foreign policy. One person messes with social policy in the United States. It's a free-for-all run by the staffers of the president.

It's just gotten too bad because the drugs that you're going to be using on them, there's been a couple of videos done. We didn't do any. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a doctor to come on because you can talk to doctors, but doctors are very reticent about coming out and saying things.

A real doctor. You can get a doctor to kill Michael Jackson and talk about anything. Most of them will not go out and say, if you keep giving a guy massive doses of Ritalin and try to take the edge off with some other methamphetamines, you're really running pretty rich on the dope cocktails, that it's going to bring on whatever the underlying ailment is faster.

In his case, it's supposed to be dementia. You see the pictures of the Marines having to push his legs into the car because he's a frail little wooden creature. You know there's a problem.

The question you should be asking yourselves is not that we know it's been a long time. It's not how long. It's why haven't Republicans stepped in there as of the other day? They're having this stupid hearing about the Secret Service.

They should be over there asking for proof of life, which you did hear from at least one of the feistier representatives. Why are you allowing the country to be run by staffers when worst comes to worst, Kamala Harris should have to take over? I think there's probably some issues going on there, going into the Democratic convention, that if she was the standing president, they'd have to give her the go ahead to run as the president. There are still people that don't want to do it.

She has taken over the $100 million war chest of Joe Biden and also has taken on his campaign manager, all with the stroke of the pen. Nobody has seen or knows or has witnessed that transaction occurring. Is that even legal, you ask yourself? Because you have taken money from people based on the fact that you were going to do the job.

Have they gone back and asked all these people what they think about taking the money? Maybe there's a lady down the street, she loves Joe Biden. She's a fucking fool, right? But the fact of the matter is, I know she doesn't like Kamala Harris because she's a fucking racist, right? She loves Joe Biden, but I had to tell her Kamala wasn't black. Kamala's not black.

And she's like, oh, we dodged one there, right? That's how funny these liberals are with that shit. I said, she's like Indian or something. She's like from India from India or something like that.

I don't even give a shit because I don't even look at that. I just know she's a fool. And she had to have sex with Montel Williams repeatedly with the other girl in the picture.

Get it? So she got to disappoint men and women in the sack. But yet people still would want to have it all the time from what I understand. That's how she slept her way to the middle and then whatever went on from there.

So that issue is going on right now and people are going crazy with it. But that's probably the reason that they haven't let her go to where she belongs, which is to be the president of the United States right now. It's not up to you to decide.

If the man's incapacitated, why are you allowing people that have no ethical responsibility to run a country? It's your secretary, your fucking secretary. Did you remember that movie 9 to 5 with Dolly Parton and all of them and they have the guy hanging on the roof with the bonded shit and they're running the company and it's run much better? That's what is going on in the White House right now, except Dolly Parton is a lot more sense than the staffers that worked for Joe Biden. So this is all going on while people are chasing their tail about this assassination, which once again, you're never going to know what really happened there.

There will eventually be a plausible story that someone will buy just like you had with World Trade Center. And that'll be the end of it until the next time. Now, J.D. Vance also has to watch his back.

And speaking of J.D. Vance, talk about somebody's life who was changed with one bullet. I'm not going to say his name. A certain governor, from what I understand, was supposed to be the vice president.

And then after the bullet went through, supposedly the family had a talk and they started talking legacy and blah, blah, blah. Vance is a younger guy. You know, we can't keep having 70-year-old people running this thing.

We have to go for the ages, which once again, I think they are looking at that, but they haven't made the real connection with the younger people because Charlie Kirk has sucked the oxygen out of that whole younger person thing. Ultimately, a kingmaker, people don't see him for what he is, and that's their fault. They do that at their peril.

I'm not saying he's evil, but I'm saying he's got an agenda and the people that work for him do as well. Now, if you're on that same page, you're fine, right.

And honestly, like we say, the pendulum went so far one way. You know, a real way, what is it? A real rain is going to wash the scum off the street. Taxi driver, you're going to have taxi driver out here for a little while and then everything will calm down.

Hate to say it that way and be blasé, but you know what? Once you rely, once you start to rely on murder as your first line of diplomacy, which we have done all over the globe at this point, we go out of our way to vilify certain people. We go out of our way to make heroes out of certain people, but only as long as they serve our needs. The day that you, as a hero, stop making money or whatever that these people want, you're put on the rack.

If you're lucky, you're put on the rack for later. If you're not lucky, you're dumped out into the real world with $25,000 a year and a series of injuries that you're going to have for the rest of your life as long as you live, unless suicide takes up on you. And then again, if anybody wanted to investigate a few of the suicides that have occurred among service people, they may find that they were not the suicides that they thought they were, a story for another day as well.

Now the good, not a good one, but the best theory I have heard in the last couple of days, I can't mention her name in case it does work because she is an insider herself. Me saying her doesn't mean she identifies as that, but they said, what if you killed Biden or Biden's dead? Biden could be dead right now. State funeral, billions of dollars in flowers.

They're killing angels and pulling the wings off just to cover Biden's emaciated corpse. The gravitas, as they say. Kamala Harris, just stunningly done up as Jackie O. Jill Biden, hiding for her fucking life with Hunter in a crack house somewhere, knowing that they're coming for them and they are going to leave no survivors.

Somebody like George Clooney shows up, ultimate insider, Red King, fucking shows the thing up, immediately is brought in as a vice president or staff member. Picture that shit. And then you're saying, you're trying to get to the bottom of things and you're like, how could you worry about that at a time when the greatest leader of the 20th century, because it's not the 21st century, he's a 19th century guy.

How could you say that when Joe Biden is dead? Our Joe Biden, our king, he has been felled by the Republicans. All this push from the Republicans has snapped his feeble little fucking walnut-sized brain and left him as dead as the prehistoric dinosaurs that he resembles. It's insane enough to work.

One has to think that there's a lot of cocaine-fueled dreams going on as to what they can do to save the Democratic Party, i.e., the Socialist Party, from itself and from ultimate destruction. And that would be a good one, because then he's dead, she's president, Clooney or somebody like a Clooney-esque character is brought in for that, because everybody else is so tainted with scandal and shit and things like that. He's the ultimate insider.

He's worth a billion dollars, so he counters Trump. Everything Trump wants to do, Clooney can do better. I'm using Clooney because he's that kind of guy.

He has the supposedly attractive wife, power broker in Europe. Now the Europeans are on board. He's more popular than Jesus.

A character like that could energize the Kamala Harris limp-dick-rag-freaking operation to an extent where people would want to be out there voting for it. They're already lying and saying that Kamala Harris is pulling higher than Donald Trump is. They are totally negating the assassination bounce.

He gets shot, there's a bounce, he goes up. They're saying Joe vanishing, everybody else pretending to be Joe and lying to the country, causing us to be in dangerous wars, killing thousands of people. It should be a boo-hoo-hoo moment for Kamala so that she gets this other bounce.


Also allows you with Kamala to bring the voting tampering shit back in. If there was such a thing as voting tampering, you're allowed to do that now because you could come down 100,000 votes, still beat Trump and say, well, you know what it is? The black vote came out strong for Kamala Harris, although she's not black. They don't know, right? They'll say, they don't know.

What do those people know, right? And everything else was, it's just not Joe Biden. And they could legitimately steal the election that way. Plus, you have to remember that Kamala Harris and your old friend Hillary Clinton are sister sisters.

So where does that leave the rest of the United States when kill them all gets back into office? Does she come back as chief of staff? Does she come back as secretary of state to lend a girlish hand with her big old fucking handbag full of hot sauce? Like you said, it's a very strange planet you're on right now. I'd suggest you get two weeks worth of bottled water and maybe a week's worth of food and some more bullets if you're allowed to have them.

But yeah, there's a lot that's out there with this.

And like I said, things are happening all over the world. It's one of those kinds of times. So like I said, anyone asked you about the Butler thing, how'd the rifle get in? That's the end of your conversation.

Don't talk about anything else. You can tell me how a rifle got into the facility. Obviously, it was placed there the day that he was there with the drone, right? Up under the rafter or something.

Because nobody was on that roof, people were told to stay away from that building, which means that was the staging area. We never hear any more about the pipe bomb. So what was the story there? Was that going to be a diversion to get away? Was he going to bomb that and slip off into the crowd? Nobody knows.

That guy was never going to leave that place alive. That's all you have to worry about. This other stuff, who's going to be the new front of the Democratic Party? They're telling you it's Kamala Harris.

It is not Kamala Harris, because this is an unprecedented situation where the standing president does not stand for office again. They can say what they want. But if there are people in the Democrat Party who want a shot at this, like the Clinton people, like AOC's people, she could run.

There's nothing to stop her, right? It's who has the money. The money is so non-existent. The money is so inconsequential at this point.

It used to be you could pretty much tell stuff. But really, you're just paying your friends. You've decided to go to war to inflict your policies on the people of the United States.

I have to pay my soldiers, and this is how we do it. The amount of corporate money that's going to be in this thing, the amount of black money, meaning dark money, whatever you want to call it, is going to be crazy. George Soros is dehydrated from masturbating at such a rate that he's throwing money into this thing.

He smells the decline and fall, because even if Donald Trump wins, this country is going to be so decimated in the next few months that even if he does everything right, it's not going to look like a lot. But people have to start to think that, hey, they've done everything but tear the railroad tracks up and burn the cotton fields, right? That's the level. You've got Sherman marching to the sea level of attrition that's going to hit this country before the Democrats go out of office, guaranteed.

This unrestrained crime in the streets shit, it's almost riot season. Riot season kicks in in September. You're going to have rioting going on all through up until the election to try to stop the election from going on.

We're going to lose all this. Anything with a major city, the Republicans are going to lose. You just got to hope you have enough numbers to take the thing in general, because you will see at some point them having to move federal forces, be it law enforcement or whatever, against these organizations that have taken up operations in major cities.


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