Sometimes when you deal with issues, like the mystery around the efficacy or lethality of the various Covid 19 factors, wish to stay neutral and not fall into the "denier" or "conspiracy" camp.
Now, after a number of years (and any number of deaths) we are starting to get an idea of the slipshod methods and profit at all costs story of the covid vaccine. More especially, the Astra Zeneca variety.
We know there is now more substance to the "conspiracy" side as there was a bit of a slipp on the Defense side of the Astra Zeneca lawsuit in the UK. A slip that goes to the idea that there were known side effects to the vaccine and that they were swept aside in the pursuit of profit and political agenda.
It has been admitted (begrudgingly and as vaguely as possible that the Astra Zeneca Covid Vaccine can have a dangerous effect on the inoculated. Bringing on deadly effects and in rare cases, cause Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS).
The admission is confirmed by AstraZeneca in legal documents responding to a group action claim launched by Leigh Day partner Sarah Moore under section 2 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 against the pharmaceutical giant, AstraZeneca. It is expected that the claims could be worth millions of pounds. Fifty-one claimants represented by Sarah are pursuing the claim due to injuries allegedly caused by the Vaxzevria Astra Zeneca COVID-19 Vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca UK Limited (AZUK). Twelve of the claimants are acting on the behalf of a loved one who died following a complication allegedly caused by the vaccine. All twelve of the bereaved claimants have received death certificates or medical evidence that confirms that the AZUK vaccine caused the deaths and injuries suffered by their loved ones.
The claimants say that they, or their loved one, suffered Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia (VITT) which is a form of Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) as a direct result of the AZUK vaccine. This is a rare syndrome characterised by blood clotting and insufficiency of platelets. TTS can have life-threatening consequences including strokes, brain damage, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism (a blockage of an artery in the lungs) and amputation.

Although AstraZeneca has disputed the claims, a legal document submitted to the Court to clarify their defence in February this year stated that its vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS.”
Sarah is calling for the government to review the Vaccine Damages Payment Scheme (VDPS), which was set up in 1979 as a temporary measure to provide a lump-sum social security to children who had become severely disabled as a result of a vaccination. The threshold for the VDPS payment requires a 60 per cent disability to qualify for a one-off payment.
The scheme has been criticised for many years for its inaccessibility and the low and “arbitrary figure” awarded to individuals and families whose care needs and losses will in some cases run into millions of pounds. International and product safety partner Sarah Moore said: “It has taken AstraZeneca a year to formally admit that their vaccine has caused this harm, when this was a fact widely accepted by the clinical community since the end of 2021"
"In that context, regrettably it seems that AstraZeneca, the Government and their lawyers are more keen to play strategic games and run up legal fees than to engage seriously with the devastating impact that the vaccine has had upon our clients’ lives.” "That is bad for our clients - but also potentially damaging for pandemic preparedness going forward. Vaccination in the UK relies on a social pact - in which healthy people get vaccinated for the good of society as a whole. In that context, to maintain that social pact the public need to understand that if, they are the victim of a rare adverse event, the Government will provide meaningful financial support without a legal battle."
We can only wonder how the news of this admission will effect the ongoing cases in the United States such as this one in Utah:
Brianne Dressen's experience participating in AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine trial and her subsequent decision to file a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company. Dressen, a mother of two, suffered severe injuries diagnosed as "post-vaccine neuropathy" after receiving one dose of the vaccine during the trial. Despite allegedly being promised medical and financial support in case of vaccine-related injuries, Dressen claims she received minimal assistance from AstraZeneca and decided to take legal action to hold the company accountable for breaching their contract.
The lawsuit filed by Dressen against AstraZeneca in the U.S. highlights the issues surrounding vaccine-related injuries and the lack of support provided by the company. Dressen's case is not unique, as she notes over 50 similar lawsuits in Europe against AstraZeneca related to vaccine injuries or deaths. The controversy surrounding AstraZeneca's vaccine led to its withdrawal from European markets due to declining demand.

Dressen expressed her hope that her lawsuit would shed light on the challenges faced by individuals who suffer adverse effects from clinical trials and the responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies in such situations. She emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in the pharmaceutical industry, especially concerning clinical trial participants' welfare and support.
While all this is going on, where are those faceless administrators and bureaucrats who did their best to force people like these to take the vaccines? The intent is obviously to "kick the can down the road" instead of to face up to the problems at hand. But, that would require a level of moral courage and personal accountability that most of today's administrative class do not possess.
Let's stay tuned in to see what happens next.