The concept of political prisoners is a contentious one, and it is important to consider the differences between the treatment of political prisoners in Venezuela and the United States. In the United States, political opinions are protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, and citizens have the right and responsibility to address and redress their elected officials and their government. Political opinions are not considered a violation of the law, and therefore it is concerning when individuals are arrested and detained for their political beliefs.
In Venezuela, political opposition is not tolerated, and those who express their opposition to the government are often arrested and detained under false pretenses. The human rights violations in Venezuelan prisons are well-documented, with reports of subhuman conditions, lack of access to drinking water and adequate food, and restricted contact with family and lawyers. The political prisoners in Venezuela are often subjected to abuse, torture, and mistreatment, and their basic human rights are routinely violated. Today the United States does have political prisoners. By our very nature and the contract we have with our government this is not permitted. Our First Amendment is there to protect us from a Government that we were warned about. The offices and buildings are not owned by an elected official, but by We The People.
It is alarming that in the 21st century, there are still countries where individuals can be arrested and detained for their political beliefs. It is a stark contrast to the United States where political opinions are protected by the Constitution, and citizens have the right to freely express their views without fear of retaliation.
After we won The Revolutionary war, it was understood that the only way for our Republic to stand was with the support of educated citizens. The “Republican Moms” were formed and accepted this responsibility. The First branch of government must be We The People for our Republic to thrive and survive. We do not Pledge Allegiance to a “Democracy”. We Pledge Allegiance to “The Republic”.
In conclusion, the comparison between Venezuelan and American political prisoners highlights the importance of protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals, regardless of their political beliefs. The United States can not have political prisoners, and it is imperative that we continue to uphold the principles of democracy, freedom of speech, the protection of human rights, and know the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. Written and Edited by Robert W. Sutton and Celeste Ellich. @2023. For additional information, please contact us contact us.