Whoever said that the "Pen was mightier than the sword" should take a ride around to Craig Robertson's house after the FBI get done with it.
On August 10th the neighborhood was woken to the sounds of a full on armed attack against the Robertson's house in order to serve Craig, the 75y/0 homeowner with a warrant and papers pertaining to his threats made against our leader, President Joe Biden.
At this point as we would have said on Ruby Ridge or Waco, is "when things went terribly wrong"
The action: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/10/craig-robertson-biden-assassination-fbi-killing-utah
And, as you can imagine, the coverup begins.

The above article mentions the Gillie suit (camouflage) picture as being from 2003. Are we trying to make the guy more worthy of shooting?
Similarly, if you were to remember the last time we had police shooting someone to death during a search warrant... does Breonna Taylor ring a bell?
It's perception versus reality in this brave new world.
Stay frosty my friends.